ITS just beyond belief that someone would think to arm terrorist for the purpose of destroying whole nations and cultures without any justification at all.
EVIL is not only present in the world but its in charge, and that’s what we’ve been witnessing for the last 15 years with the manufactured war on terror which is really a war on all of humanity.
THE story was posted by ZEN GARDENER.COM dated 1/5/26
Israel’s ISIS Conspiracy
ISRAELI CHIEF OF STAFF AT THE PENTAGON, January 2002 -The Zionist war agenda known as the War on Terror was pushed by the Israeli military and the Zionist Neo-Cons who have dominated policy making at the Pentagon and State Department since 9/11.
The people of the United States have been utterly deceived by the Zionist-controlled government and media about the “War on Terror”, the Zionist fraud that was kick-started by the false-flag terror atrocity of 9/11. This criminal deception has gone on for more than 14 years and has only succeeded in plundering our national wealth, destroying millions of lives, and ruining American prestige around the world. It clearly has to be brought to an end or it will be the end of our American republic.
I am not encouraged by the lack of honesty about 9/11 in the current political discourse in the United States. Presidential candidates and political pundits who should know better talk about the terror atrocity as if the official version pushed by the government and media, which has been proven utterly false, were true. This is a recipe for national disaster because any policy that is based on lies is bound to fail.
In order to understand how the West has been deceived into supporting the criminal Zionist war agenda it is essential to understand how Israeli military intelligence created ISIS, and its previous incarnations such as Al Qaida. In the following one-hour video, “The ISIS Conspiracy” (in two parts), Brandon Martinez explains and documents how the U.S. created the very enemy that it claims to be fighting in order to further the Zionist agenda to dominate the Middle East. This is clearly not a policy that is meant to advance any real U.S. national interest, but a prime example of how U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East has been hijacked to advance a criminal Zionist agenda. This must come to a screeching halt.
It is now a matter of the utmost importance for the United States to divorce itself from this criminal Zionist agenda, which is completely detrimental to our national interest and the real source of the destruction and devastation in the Middle East.
In part one, Brandon Martinez unravels the murky origins of ISIS and unveils how the group’s meteoric rise in Iraq and Syria is a continuation of US psychological warfare designed to facilitate the Zionist-Neocon plan to dominate the region by toppling seven sovereign Middle Eastern and North African States.